Krrish Cyber Palace Valentine's Day Countdown Clock



Avik Wish You all A Lovely  Valentine's  Day


Even though
We don’t get to be with each other
As much as we’d like…
I wanted to let you know
In the morning… in the night…
U are on my mind… 24 x 7

Happy Valentine Day!



Here is my heart, it is yours so take it,
Treat it gently, please do not break it.
Its full of love thats good and true,
So please keep it always close to u.


is more than what I have.
is more than what you are.
takes me where I‘ve never been.
takes me where I am today.
In love,
is what I am with you.


Love is the greatest feeling, Love is like a play, Love is what I feel for you,
Each and every day, Love is like a smile, Love is like a song, Love is a great emotion,
That keeps us going strong, I love you with my heart, My body and my soul,
I love the way I keep loving, Like a love I can‘t control,
So remember when your eyes meet mine, I love you with all my heart,
And I have poured my entire soul into you, Right from the very start.


I‘m lost in your dreams, during the day, and coz of that ,i can‘t feel the sun‘s rays, I‘m lost in your dreams,

even at night, and coz of that ,i can‘t see the moon light, I‘m lost in your dreams, for months together, and coz of that, i can‘t feel the changing

weather, So dear now i can‘t leave you coz, Without U my life is “Blue for Valentine ; you are my only Valentine for I will Always be yours for Love at its most extreme for Everlasting love ; Ecstatic love. for Never-ending love for we will Always be Together forever for you being Intelligent and Innocent; for Natures naughty way of saying I love you to for Eternity our love is so ever lasting


T-o my Valentine, with all my love,
O-f whom I cannot say enough in praise,

M-ay my love for you sufficient prove,
Y-earning to redeem your caustic days.

V-ortices within may drag you down.
A-nchor, then, in my serenity.
L-ove saves some who otherwise might drown,
E-mbarked alone upon their Galilee.
N-or should you deem your own love not enough
T-o be the chapel to which I retreat
I-n search of a pavilion for my pain.
N-o love is love unless it be a seat
E-nchanted, where a stone might weep again


Nahi milti chuhtthi tou aj RESIGN de
Saal mein aik baar tou ata hai VALENTINE day

Khudaya tanha na pakra jaoon kahien DATE per
Humein jo bhi mushkil de COMBINE de

Ager aj bhi woh milne LATE puhanchi
Guzarish karoonga ke tu bhi koi FINE de

Noor bharde dilwalon ke chehron mein
Honton pe hansi aur ankhon mein SHINE de...


My Valentine
Valentines is near
Just wishing you were here
You will always be near
My heart will never be the same
Beneath my skin, my soul lies waiting for you
Everyday I think of you I feel blue
Never give up hope
Remembering the first kiss
All I ask is to be with you
And for you to be my Valentine
For I will always cherish your heart in mine!


My Love
After so many years of loving you,
After so many things we've been through,
Still I couldn't find the reason,
Tell me why am I in so much love with you?
The day you left me,
My eyes couldn't stop crying.
The day I lost you,
A day didn't go I had pray for dying.
Come back my love,
Someone's still waiting for you.
Come back my love,
Someone will always wait for you.


Be my Valentine
I think of you often...I do,
From morning 'til evening I do,
When memories bring laughter
Or moments bring pain,
There is faithfulness, too, once again.

And time always shows me
And God always shows me
Both sunshine and rain,
How, we gain yearly
From the love we're share dearly.

So, my dear, my sweet bubbaloo,
Remember our love, dulce bubbaloo,
For we've come so far and there's so much to come
And I have love to yet give
For the life we will live...together.

Make little of what makes you cry,
Be sure that what makes you cry
Has greater desire and a more certain will
To pray for His help from above
and restore the feelings of love.

So let's stir up our passion today,
Let memories give way today,
To the now and the future
For the joys and hopes and for all
Send Valentine's Day Poem The times my heart hears you call.

I'm so glad,
I'm so glad,
I love you
You love me fine
Be my Valentine.


Colors of Love
Colors of Love
Love can be red, like the intense heat of a passionate kiss
.....the color of sweetness
.....the color of strawberries
Love can be blue, like the comfort we take in a pair of denim jeans
.....the color of strength
.....the color of perfect skies
Love can be yellow, bright and warm like the morning sun the sounds of laughters of children on the merry-go-round the sounds of fun from the boys flying kites in the open
Love can be green, peaceful and serene I can hear your heart beats is the feeling of a loving hand that touch a grieving heart is the whispering of trusting words to a distressing soul
Love can be orange, the loudness of it can drive you up a wall can drive you to sing like nobody is listening can drive you to dance like nobody is watching
Love can be purple, the courage we need to love bravely and unselfishly
.....the moment I first kiss you i know that i am not afraid to risk involvement .....the day the declaration of your love for me was made known to the world


One Perfect Rose
A single flow'r he sent me, since we met,
All tenderly his messenger he chose;
Deep-hearted pure, with scented dew still wet - -
One perfect rose.

I know the language of the floweret.
“My fragile leaves,” it said, “his heart enclose.”
Love long has taken for his amulet
One perfect rose.

Why is it no one ever sent yet
One perfect limousine, do you suppose?
Ah no, it's always just my luck to get
One perfect rose.


Valentine's mean to spend time with the one u luv
Mean that kisses,huges,smiles and candy
Today is the day me and u will betogether with luv on
My luv is true never blue all about u.Why.Cause
Roses could be red violet's maybe blue
But my Roses R .True 2 u on


On Valentine's Day, the day of affection,
My thoughts naturally turn in your direction.
I think of many things, big and small
That you've given to me and given your all.
You see me always in the kindest light;
You're a glow in my life, golden and bright.
I'm thankful for the happy ties that bind
Me to you in our family, and I'd like to remind
You of all the special memories I treasure.
Having you in my life is nothing but pleasure!
You're a walking example of how to live,
How to share, how to teach, how to love, how to give.
Please accept this Valentine poem,
warm from the heart of your Love.


B-e with us in the circle of our love,
E-ven if by chance you are alone.
O-ur greetings we have hope your heart vwill move,
U-niting our good wishes with your own.
R-emember there are those who think of you,

V-ested in the will to be a friend.
A-s distant hills give depth to what we view,
L-et these words some grace to your day lend.
E-ach life is lived behind a sheltering veil,
N-ot lifted but for love. Yet when we will,
T-here is a wind that shifts the rampart frail,
I-nvading with sweet scent the spirit still.
N-ow may we all enjoy this fragrance fine,
E-ach each other's secret Valentine.


Be my Valentine: What does that mean?
Each of us must walk through life alone,
More deeply desolate than we have known,
Yearning for a truth we've never seen.
Valentines are from beyond that dream,
Are like a sunrise on a world of stone.
Little on this journey can we own
Except as miracles might intervene.
No way but through loving might we give
The freedom of our being to another.
In such a sacrifice we hope to live
No longer bound by dreams of flesh and bone,
Even as we bind our lives together